Sarah Ruth
I also have another "nephew", Easton (almost 2), who is my cousin Amy's precious little boy, and they just had baby boy #2 on Tuesday! Welcome Noah Scott!

The little bundle of joy.

Congratulations Amy, Todd and E-man! He's beautiful!
I am also so excited to have another niece and nephew. James will have a new baby brother in early April. Steve and Christine already have such a smart and handsome boy, I can't imagine how this one could compare, but I know he will, and I can't wait to have another little boy to dote on. My best friend, Jenn, is also preggers and is due with little Madelyn Grace in late April! She is going to be one spoiled little girl! :) I am especially excited for this one since she lives just outside of Atlanta, and I will be able to see her whenever I want (and babysit)!
All the baby talk of late has given me a bit of baby fever. We are not ready for children and don't plan to have any for a couple years or so, but it's hard not to have the fleeting moments of wanting one of those bundles of joy with the man you love! Until then, I will settle for being Aunt Kristin, the coolest aunt there is. ;)
Glad to know it's not just me who feels like babies are popping up everywhere I look! Seriously, it's crazy!
My old Roomie was the same way- she had more pictures of her nieces and nephews than most parents do of their own children. And for a while she had the ultrasound of her newest nephew and everyone was like OMG! you're preggers?! She diappointed a lot of people, heh.
BTW, I don't think I'll be updating the blog anymore, so be sure to link to my livejournal so you can keep up with me.
They are all precious!
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