Thursday, November 27, 2008
There are many things I am thankful for this year... my wonderful husband, family, friends, being gainfully employed, health, the ability to travel and spend the Holidays with our families, living in a free country, the men and women who risk their lives and have lost their lives to protect our way of life... just to name a few. Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on how truly blessed we are. I hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and are able to appreciate the good things in your lives!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday Evening Dinner Party
Friday, November 21, 2008
It's friggin' cold
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Nutritious and Delicious Minestrone
This is a great, light and healthy soup that makes a quick and delicious weeknight (or any night) meal.
Extra virgin olive oil (1-2 tbsp)
2 small onions, diced
1-1/2 c. celery stalk, diced
2 carrots, peeled and diced
1 small green bell pepper, diced
1 bay leaf
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
7 c. low-sodium chicken broth
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp fresh basil, chopped
4 oz. ditalini or other small pasta
1 15 oz can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
salt to taste
parmesan for garnish
parsley for garnish
In a large stock pot, saute the onion, celery and carrots in olive oil over medium heat for about 4 minutes. Add green bell pepper and continue to saute for another 4 minutes or until it all smells really good. Add the tomatoes, broth, garlic, basil and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Add the pasta and simmer for 5 minutes uncovered. Add the beans and simmer for 5-10 minutes or until the pasta is al dente. Remove the pan from heat, add salt to your liking, and let sit covered for 5 minutes. Ladle into bowls and garnish with fresh parmesan and parsley! Mangia!
P.S. I've already eaten some of it... several bowls since I made it, in fact, and it's still delizioso!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Darn you, Whole Foods.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Gator Bait

Nice catch.

Mercy, Percy.

Touchdown scored after Demps turned on his afterburners.

Touchdown Tebow.
Hilarious quote from this article... "Meanwhile, his players were trying to get a grip on just who this Buffett fellow was.
"That was my first time ever hearing of him," Spikes said innocently. "Somebody told me he sang Margarita-something.""
I sure do love Gator football, especially when it's this dang good.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Baby Fever

Sarah Ruth
I also have another "nephew", Easton (almost 2), who is my cousin Amy's precious little boy, and they just had baby boy #2 on Tuesday! Welcome Noah Scott!

The little bundle of joy.

Congratulations Amy, Todd and E-man! He's beautiful!
I am also so excited to have another niece and nephew. James will have a new baby brother in early April. Steve and Christine already have such a smart and handsome boy, I can't imagine how this one could compare, but I know he will, and I can't wait to have another little boy to dote on. My best friend, Jenn, is also preggers and is due with little Madelyn Grace in late April! She is going to be one spoiled little girl! :) I am especially excited for this one since she lives just outside of Atlanta, and I will be able to see her whenever I want (and babysit)!
All the baby talk of late has given me a bit of baby fever. We are not ready for children and don't plan to have any for a couple years or so, but it's hard not to have the fleeting moments of wanting one of those bundles of joy with the man you love! Until then, I will settle for being Aunt Kristin, the coolest aunt there is. ;)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
New Blog Background
Monday, November 10, 2008
Music City

Nashville is a great little city, and I hope Matt and I can make a weekend trip there sometime. Broadway was great, but my liver doesn't like me right now! Thanks to BD (aka: RMF) and his OMF friends for subsidizing our Saturday. I barely spent a dime. It was such a fun weekend, and my abs definitely got a good workout from laughing so hard! Go Gators! SEC East Champions!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
It's hard to stereotype people into a group. When many people thing of Republicans, they may think of wealthy, white America and right-wing Christians. Well, I am not wealthy and I am not right-wing. I believe in the government and economic policies of the Republican Party, but I am also pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. Yes, not gay civil unions, but gay marriage. I am also Catholic, and my religion teaches against abortion, gay marriage, and stem cell research. But, here's the thing... the Bible wasn't written by God, it was written by man. And, it is my firm belief that God creates all of us - gay, straight or somewhere in between - and loves all of His creatures the same. I just can't believe that He would want us to judge and not allow two people who truly love each other to enjoy the bond of Marriage under His Holy Covenant. But, that is for the Churches to decide. And, one of the beauties of America is the separation of Church and State. So, let's take the religious factor out of it. The fundamental principle of our country is that ALL men are created equal and have certain UNALIENABLE rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So, why does that exclude gay men and women from marriage? I don't know. I get the family thing, but I just happen to know so many wonderful gay Americans that would certainly outlast 50% of American marriages and be wonderful parents. Some of them already are, because they once tried to conform and live a straight lifestyle. I think if kids have two loving parents, that's better than one or none, despite the sex. But, I agree that they need to have someone who is very involved in their lives of the opposite sex of their parents, as well. Anyway, all of these thoughts came about today due to Californians passing Proposition 8 banning gay marriage. That's fine if the Church does not want to marry gay people due to doctrine, and I hope that changes for all the religious gays who want to be married with God as the center of their marriage, but I don't think the government should deny its citizens that right. I understand the argument that marriage isn't a governmental institution and it was created by God, BUT may I remind you, a heck of a lot of people get married by the government and not the Church.
To quickly address the abortion issue, I am personally pro-life. I could never have an abortion, and I do believe that it is a form of murder, but as long as we have the death penalty, we should not make abortion illegal. I don't think it's my right to tell another woman she shouldn't have an abortion. You never know what it's like to walk in the shoes of someone else. Not to mention, women will still have abortions and have been for years before Roe vs Wade. It will become a black market health procedure and probably a lot less safe for the woman.
So, that's my political rant for today. I guess I'll just keep considering myself a moderate conservative until I invent my own political party that encompasses all of my crazy views on life. :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The people have spoken...
On a lighter note, Matt and I were watching election coverage last night, and we both about spit out our drinks when we saw this... they were breaking down what Indiana voters felt about Obama (too liberal, just right, too conservative), and 4% thought he was too conservative. We about crapped ourselves and laughed at what whack jobs they must be to think that! Crazy Hoosiers (love ya, Rhi! lol) I hope they think he's too conservative, because he isn't pro-gay marriage and not because they don't think his economic and government policies are liberal enough! Yikes!
Now that this election is finally over (thank God), can't we all just get along!? Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, Black, White, Purple, Green... we are all Americans and we all must unite and do our part to keep our country the wonderful, free, capitalistic society our founding fathers laid out for us in 1776. It's the American dream...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Did you go vote?

I did. It wasn't too bad. I got in line at 7:00 am and proudly hit the "Cast Ballot" button at 8:00 am. Matt didn't have the same luck. It took him 2 hours! I hope your polling location is/was as organized as mine. The poll workers at Mary Lin Elementary in Candler Park rock! They had their stuff together and got that line moving as quickly as possible. Kudos!
Now, get out there and make your voice heard. Regardless of who you're voting for, just go vote. It's your right and your civic duty. God bless America!
And, just in case you need a little urging, the following places are giving away freebies for your "I Voted" sticker:
-Starbuck's - tall coffee
-Krispy Kreme - patriotic doughnut
-Chick-fil-a - chicken sandwich (but you have to actually give them your sticker, so go there last... haha)
-Ben & Jerry's - scoops from 5-8pm
And, if you live in DC, Vegas, LA or Orange County (CA), you can get half off your $500 haircut and other services from Cristophe Schatteman or one of his talented stylists!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Deep in Enemy Territory

A lot of people are predicting Florida to play in the National Championship against Penn State. I certainly won't be holding my breath, but you can bet I'll be cheering them on the whole way there! Especially this weekend in Vandy and next weekend in Gainesville (which could be two tough games and we still have to beat Florida State). Assuming all of that happens, if anyone has the skinny on SEC tickets, holler at me!
P.S. I had a VERY productive (and sober) weekend. Thank you notes are done, and now I just need stamps! Hallelujah!