Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Or maybe not...

No big family for us... at least not from this set of embryos. I failed to update yesterday, but of the four embryos we had remaining in the lab, we are freezing NONE. They all slowed or stopped growing. Total bummer. Obviously, it's a bummer not to have those as "backup" but moreso that if all four stopped growing, even though we put the best two in me, I don't exactly have a warm fuzzy feeling about our chances. Like I said before, no guarantees.

So, we wait and pray and hope that at least one of the ones inside me is healthy and has all the right DNA and continues to divide and grow.  We will know soon enough!


Sara Brown said...

Sending love your way! xo

Jamie Blake said...

Unfortunately I think freezing them is more uncommon...but best of luck! Hopefully this round will work!! :)

meghan said...

Still praying for the two little ones inside!

Jaimee Granberry said...

Praying for 2 healthy growing babies! I nominated you for a blog award (maybe it will be a mindless distraction! : ))

Higher Function said...

God bless

Higher Function said...

Great reaad thanks