Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oh, the rollercoaster...

We're on a high again... the biggest one so far. I'm almost afraid that if I type the words, I'll jinx us... but....


I actually had my first positive test on Sunday. I got up early, took a test, didn't look like it was doing anything, took a friend to the Midtown MARTA station so she could go to the airport, came home and had breakfast, drank some coffee and read the paper. I went back to our room to get ready for church, and I looked at the test and was about to toss it when I did a double take. Let me tell you, I've looked at those things cross-eyed and willed them to be positive enough that I knew a line when I saw one. It was soooooooooooooo faint. So faint that Matt could not see it. So, even though I know that there's really no false positives in pregnancy tests (unless something else is going on), I didn't let myself get too excited. Every day since then I've tested, and every day the line has gotten darker.

I was supposed to go for beta #1 this morning, but I had an early meeting, so they let me come in yesterday. And, even though the tests have clearly been positive, the lines have been still pretty faint compared to the control line. So, I assumed my hCG would be low. I've heard you want to see it above 100 at this point, but everyone is different and it's really not a good predictor of the health of the pregnancy (or twins) until you get a pattern, although you'd obviously prefer a higher number. Well, mine was 148! I was thrilled, and my doctor called it a very strong number. I go back tomorrow, and at that time, they want to see it close to double, so around 300. For MOST women, hCG should double every 48-72 hours.

It is still verrrrrrrry early, and although we are obviously ecstatic, we're still quite a few hurdles away from a healthy baby (or babies). We are also not making any big announcements or anything and will at least wait until after we see a heartbeat or the first trimester to start telling the world (i.e., make any sort of anything public on Facebook... very few people I know that don't already know the news read this ol' blog and I don't even link to it in Facebook, so this is not as public as it may seem).  :) I will go for at least one more beta test next week (assuming tomorrow's is good). But, if everything keeps progressing, we will have an ultrasound at around 6 weeks (I'm 4 weeks and 1 day today), and we'll be able to tell if there's one or two in there. We don't know a due date yet, and I'm just taking it one step at a time, so I'm not going to figure it out. But, I know it will be late March/early April. So, this could be my best birthday yet.

I am so grateful for the support and prayers my blog friends have provided. Please keep them coming! I've prayed specifically for a healthy baby (not just a pregnancy) and also prayed that if the embryos weren't healthy (with all their chromosomes, etc.), that God would just prevent us from even getting pregnant. So, all I can do is trust in Him and assume everything is going to be okay. Beta #2 tomorrow!  Praise the Lord!

Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.
-Psalm 36:5


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I am a regular reader, but not a commenter. So happy for you!

My husband and I are also going through infertility treatments and it is encouraging to hear your success!


meghan said...

Ahhh!!! How exciting sweet friend! I am SO happy for y'all. God is SO good. These are words I have been waiting to see on your blog and I can't imagine how it must've felt to type them. Will continue to pray for you, baby, your husband, everything! Enjoy this time!

Sara Brown said...

I know we haven't seen each other in years, but I'm sitting here reading this with little tears in my eyes. Sending lots of love your way! So happy for you.

Katie Farmand said...

Ohmigosh, omigosh. I was *just* saying a prayer for you when I thought to check in. BIGTIME prayers coming your way! I'm so happy to read this. Know you are thought about and prayed for! Xoxo

Jamie Blake said...

I am so, so thrilled for you! I even got a little teary eyed. I'll keep praying that things go well! :)
After my failed IVF attempt, I've been beginning to question whether or not I'll ever be pregnant, but you give me hope.

Jaimee Granberry said...

I just let out a little squeal! So excited- praying for you and your baby(ies)! : )

Whitney Blake said...

WOOHOO!! I about jumped for joy when I read your post. Congrats that is so wonderful! I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything will just keep getting better. (:

Jessi said...

Yea! So excited for you! I'll keep saying a prayer for you that all continues to go well.

MRStypeA said...

YAAAY!!! i've become a regular reader (new blogger) and i've been hoping and praying to see good news on your blog!! SO EXCITING!! just remember to take it easy and think positively! good luck with your next beta - wishing you fantastic numbers :-)

Sara Glomski said...

That's wonderful Kristin!! I hope everything continues to go well for you! I enjoy following your blog and your journey