Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to the world!

I proudly announce the birth of my nephew

Brody Shane

March 30, 2009
7 pounds 3 ounces

Welcomed with love by proud parents Steve & Christine and big brother James.

*I am waiting on more info, so I'll update as it becomes available. Say a prayer for little Brody... he was delivered via C-section and has fluid in the lungs that they've had to insert a tube to drain. This is not at all abnormal for C-section babies, as they don't have the fluid forced out by traveling down the birth canal, but scary for the parents, nonetheless.
UPDATE: Please say a big prayer for Brody. He is having a lot of trouble breathing and his heart rate was fluctuating big time. They are transferring him to another hospital that is better equipped if his condition worsens. Right now they are saying it's precautionary.


Kristin said...

My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family.

Amy said...

Congratulations to Steve and and Christine... we will be praying for little Brody. There's nothing worse than worrying for your tiny new baby!