Matt changed the blinds, finished the desk, changed all the outlets and light switches from our old gold/cream combo to white, and rigged an outlet in our little closet in the sitting room so that we could plug our printer in there instead of leaving it out or having to pull it out every time we wanted to print something.
I ran a lot of errands and dismantled and painted and recovered two of Memere's chairs. It sounds like he did a lot more, but alas, that is not true. Have I not learned yet that everything takes longer than anticipated? He also cooked us a delicious dinner Sunday night since I was still doing stuff. I was up until 1:30 am Saturday/Sunday and worked again until 9pm on Sunday (save church and a babyshower early in the day). I'm still not done, but last night I whipped up this beauty.
Not the headboard (though, that would be some major talent... that thing is amazingly well made!), but I was up late last night (and am feeling it today... which reminds me, I still haven't had any coffee) piecing together this bedskirt. I can still sew! YAY! And, I realized how much I love to sew... even if this was just a bunch of straight stitches. I've got the bug. Now, ignoring the bad picture and wrinkled bed linens, as well as the fact that it is not put together with accessories and art - awesome, right!? This ain't nothin'. Wait until you see this bad boy all put together in its final glory. I'll be back Wednesday or Thursday with good pictures and a breakdown of what we did. In the meantime, I can't say enough good things about Capella's talent. If you're looking to revamp some rooms in your home, check out her website and blog and give her a call!
I don't think this nearly does it justice. It's going to be super Gorge when it's done and I can't wait to see!!
I agree. This is a horrible picture and is not even close to a true reflection of how great the room is looking. Can't wait to get good pictures of it when it is complete!
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