Friday, September 11, 2009

Surprise Anniversary Plans...

Sunday is our one year anniversary. Matt has surprise plans for us tonight and all I know is I can wear "jeans or whatever." I'm really at a loss...

We also have one of my bestest friends coming in town, doing some bridal gown shopping, and the Falcons game Sunday! Exciting weekend... I'll come back and reveal the surprise.


LindsB said...

happy anniversary!! Hope you have a good one

Chic Coles said...

Happy Anniversary!

Also, could not find your email address but wanted to answer the question you had posted on a comment the other day about the barn doors and putting them in the area that would cover the pantry and laundry room. Yes, I definitely think you could use two or three of the interior barn doors, however I believe you would have to have two or three different rods for them to slide over so they can overlap behind each other. If you have any other questions about this, feel free to email us at or if you need a less complicated explanation.