Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Swift Kick in the Butt

There have been a few things (one in particular) that have been weighing heavily on me in my personal life lately.  I have been praying a lot... asking God for what I want and asking Him to help me be content with what I have.  Literally, just in the last maybe 30 minutes, I was petitioning Him with all I have for contentment.  And then He gave me a swift kick in the a*s.  Just got some news that is beyond devastating for someone I know and another reminder of how fragile, precious and short life can be.  It's like He said, "Snap out of it, girl.  Your life has a plan and a purpose and it will happen in MY time and according to MY plan.  Enjoy what you have now and stop looking to the future.  I do not guarantee you a tomorrow."  I may not always like His answers, and in this case, the reminder that I am beyond blessed comes with the sheer pain and loss for someone else, but I trust Him.  My life has been good, but it hasn't always been easy, and God has not failed me yet.

Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
-Psalm 9:10


Alyse said...

I"m sorry something is not well with your friend. Love & prayers for you and them!

Anonymous said...

I love you Kristin. Your honest, and sincere and love for others always is so encouraging to me.