Thursday, March 10, 2011

This Thursday's Thoughts

How's that for alliteration?

  • CrossFit ain't for sissies.  Yesterday, we did the Nasty Girls WOD (for those of you non-CFers, which is most of you... 3 rounds for time: 50 air squats, 7 muscle ups (modified, since I don't have a muscle up - 7 fake MUs and 7 pullups, 10 hang power cleans (@85lbs).  A) I am so sore today.  B) I have bruises dotting (literally) the front of my thighs from the hang power cleans. I really use my hips, which causes my legs to hit the bar (that weighs 85lbs) as I power it from the hang position to my shoulders.  Also, when you lower the weight for a new rep, it often smacks your legs.  And, I used my legs as a "resting place" to fix my grip.  All that to say, my legs look like h-e-doublehockeysticks.
  • I want to go skiing again.  Those bruises are pretty too.  Let's just say sliding down a pile of rocks leaves a mark.  But, I still want to go skiing again.
  • I am doing some contract work right now, and it's really cramping my (f)unemployment style.  Very happy for the income, though.  And, it's from home and at my own pace.  So, yeah.  No complaints.
  • One of my best friends from college is coming in town for a night this weekend with her husband and month old baby boy, Tristan.  So excited.  Sadly, we have not seen each other in well over three years.  I refuse to figure out how long it's been, because it's been too long.  They are driving back home from her inlaw's in south Georgia, so I'm so glad they are stopping here to break up the drive.
  • Matt and I are running a 5K this weekend with the dogs.  I can't tell you the last time I ran 3.1 miles.  But, I can run a mile, then do 100 pullups-200 pushups-300 squats, then run another mile.  So, I'm hoping I can run the whole thing.  I'm taking Maddie, because she's faster.  And, although Matt is typically a better runner than I, he hasn't run in forever, so I'm leaving him in the dust with the slow dog.  ;)
  • I will no longer put a timeline on the Paleo blog.  Let's just say I have a backlog of posts and recipes, but I haven't found enough time to sit down and get it going.  I do have someone to do a semi-custom blog design (I need to find a wordpress template to use first), so maybe sooner than later.
  • I started my LLC, so I can cross something else off my (f)unemployment to do list.
  • I am pretty sure I want to go into medical device sales, preferably surgical/implantable devices.  I had an interview with a real estate company and for a job that theoretically would be what I want.  And, I was less than excited.  A sign?  We'll see.
  • I won the Lockdown for the ladies.  I edited my last paleo related post to add that, but most of you probably didn't see it.  They were going to award 1st - 3rd place, but since no women would have placed (I hate guys and their fat burning/muscle gaining abilities), they decided to do 1st and 2nd for men and women.  I got $250.  Yeah!
  • Alright, back to the grind.  I know, I know.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Yea for winning the lockdown!!

Yea, I'm back to work. But once the nanny settles in (yet to be named) then I could take an extended lunch or something and head south.