Friday, January 29, 2010
Step By Step
Monday, January 25, 2010
Rainy Sunday

Clockwise L-R: 2nd grade, 1st grade, Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 7th grade spring pic

Daddy and me near Highlands, NC circa summer 1982

me, Gram & Great Gram (all have Elizabeth as part of our names... as well as my aunt and cousin)

Azalea Algebrats 4th Grade Gifted Math Team (yes, I was/am a dork... not the last time I competed in an academic competition... haha)

Opening of the Bayside Bridge in 1993 (Dad was the superintendent)

not sure why this is so small... middle school cheerleading nationals in Atlanta

Jamaica (wish I still had that bod... sigh) - mom, cousins and brother

Homecoming Court 1999 (I wasn't on court but I was our HS pageant queen)

Baccalaureate with 3 of my bests
It was so funny to go through all that... and I have plenty left to explore. Anyone else enjoy that or was high school a time you wouldn't mind forgetting? Don't get me wrong, there are certainly points I would like to forget, but I look back at the young loves, stupid fights, quest to be Valedictorian (unsuccessful) and laugh now at how trivial some of it seems.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Shiny and New

We're looking into getting a round pedestal table such as the one below from Ballard Designs. The small buffet would be moved to the left of the window closest to where it is now, and I'd like to get a taller piece for the other side of that window. I'd also like to put up two large shelves above the buffet for decorative plates or something like that. Ooooh, ooooh and I really want a capiz chandelier to brighten it up, since I think we're going to stick with black furniture in here.

I apparently do not have a before picture on my work computer (yes, I blog at work... when else would I do it!?) ;) but it was bad. It was the same putrid yellowish, peachy horrible color as the rest of the house but to add insult to injury, it had terrible fixtures and a gold light fixture that looked like it was going to fall off the wall. So, we replaced the ugliness as noted in my previous post and painted. We will likely re-tile at some point in the future, as well. I also didn't do the best job edging around the ceiling (thankfully we have 9 foot ceilings on our first floor and most people aren't in the bathroom to look straight up), so I told Matt he should install some crown molding. I'm not sure I've ever seen a powder bath with crown molding. It's my solution to all wall to ceiling oopsies.
And, one last picture, because what the hey. This is the gorgeous amaryllis our amazing realtor, Mary Stuart got us for Christmas. It is unbelievable!

Friday, January 15, 2010
I laugh.
By the way, I've decided that MLK Day is my favorite holiday, because it's the only time I get off work and don't have anything to do (it seems every other holiday from work is busy with parties or travel or something). I'm heading down to the suburbs to hang with my BFF on her birthday and just do whatever. No agenda. I love it.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti Earthquake Relief
All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God.
-Deuteronomy 16:17
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Winter Wonderland
That little bit of snow was enough that my office closed on Friday (well, it was actually the ice that was caused by the storm), but of course, I still had to go in because I had too much to do. But, before I did, I snapped these pictures.
There's still a pretty decent amount of snow on the ground and some fun ice patches on our neighborhood streets. I kind of like the cold, but I was freezing when we ventured out on Friday night and was wishing I was on a tropical beach!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow, Snow, Go Away
P.S. My cousin Amy and any of the rest of you in the northern parts of the country are laughing right now... I mean, we might get an inch of accumulation if anything, but I am not kidding. People FREAK OUT when it snows here. I'm a native Floridian but I don't even freak out about it because I am a RATIONAL HUMAN BEING! :)