It rained all weekend in A-town, so yesterday I decided to go through some of the bins my mom made me take home now that we have plenty of storage. They were full of everything from elementary school to college mementos. Wow. I found old diaries (HILARIOUS to read), the shoe boxes I kept with boyfriend stuff (notes, cards, movie stubs, etc.), scrapbooks, yearbooks, and LOTS and LOTS of pictures. I swear, I saved every single school picture anyone ever gave me. I even had some from elementary school. I love reading the notes on the back of them. Matt got me/us a photo printer/scanner for Christmas, and I LOVE IT. I hadn't used it until yesterday, but it is sooooooo easy and pretty fast too. I could scan up to five 3x5" pictures at once, which was awesome.

Baccalaureate with 3 of my bests
It was so funny to go through all that... and I have plenty left to explore. Anyone else enjoy that or was high school a time you wouldn't mind forgetting? Don't get me wrong, there are certainly points I would like to forget, but I look back at the young loves, stupid fights, quest to be Valedictorian (unsuccessful) and laugh now at how trivial some of it seems.
I love old pics! I actually think I had some of those old school pics. I loved high school!! There were definitely stupid moments, but overall, I loved it!
Ohmigosh, I love you, and you seriously did have a huge head as a baby! So cute.
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