Sorry if like me, you'll now be singing that song all day. I am officially full term... 37 weeks today. It's crazy to think of how far we've come, and that we're really oh so very very close to meeting our daughter. We are "officially" ready. Her room is as complete as it will be before she comes, though I'd eventually like to add more art, accessories, and pillows for the daybed. The carseat is installed. Hospital bags are as packed as they will be until it is time. Now, we wait. :) Work has been crazy and I definitely have some things to wrap up here, but whatever will be will be.
Wonder how many more of these I'll take... 37 weeks to come after tonight. |
This weekend, Matt and I did the Junior League's Shamrock n Roll 5K/10K. To be very clear, we walked the 5K. And it took us almost an hour. Ooops. Hey, that's what happens when you're having major Braxton Hicks the whole time! :) I usually run it in about 30 minutes, so it was funny to be lapped twice by many of the 10K runners (they start 15 minutes after the 5K race). Matt actually has a hairline fracture in his tibia and a sprained MCL thanks to his ski trip and doing a double black bowl (why I ask? a professional he is not), so he couldn't run either. Just thankful that his injury doesn't require surgery, because we thought it might be a torn miniscus. Anywho.
Three of the loves of my life. |
Good morning, Atlanta! |
This just makes me laugh. Whoa belly. Probably doesn't help that I crammed by 37 week belly into a non-maternity, somewhat fitted shirt. Haha. |
After the race and a nice nap, I finished up Greer's room (for now) while Matt was taking care of other things. I swear, when it comes to nesting in the sense of organizing and throwing things away, Matt is the man. He's done virtually all of that, but I definitely am more into the cleaning side of things and want everything to be spotless (please note that this is impossible with two large, hairy dogs).
The iPhone photos aren't the best, but they're the best I'm going to do for now. :) The colors aren't quite as bright as they appear in the photos (the pink is a salmon/coral pink rather than hot pink, the monogram is a softer aqua than it appears, etc.).
Capella did the base design, sourcing things like the daybed, rug, wall color, etc., and I came in and added the more personal touches that any mom (um, weird... mom) would want to have control over. The pups were painted by
Amy Yeager, and she did an AMAZING job. There's still some things I'd like to do in there, but that will happen eventually. I am very happy with the way it turned out. I find it both calm and playful at the same time, and I hope she will grow into it and love it... and maybe share a room with a little sister or brother some day. :) It's a big room!
For 37 weeks pregnant, I'm still feeling pretty good! I had a couple of weeks of pretty good sleep (this is relative, of course), but now I'm back to sleeping like crap, so I'm pretty tired. Hoping I get back into a good groove and get some restful sleep before she comes. I haven't had any swelling (still wearing my wedding rings), and I can still move around as well as could be expected. I did have a baffling 7 pound weight gain between 34 and 36 weeks that I cannot figure out, but oh well (nurse said I was probably retaining fluid but wouldn't I be swollen if that was the case?). Maybe it was a fluke... or maybe I need to not be so tempted by sweets. Paleo what?