This picture pretty much sums up how I felt. It was fun, tiring and I felt a little out of control at times. I enjoyed going up hill, but going down hill was a bit scary. It was fine so long as I was on a smooth trail, but the second trail we did was very well ridden, which leads to a lot of large roots and rocks jutting up from the ground. I hit my pedal on those roots and rocks... a lot. That was annoying, because it often knocked me off balance. Well, it became very annoying when I did so for the last time. I sort of fell (not full on fall, just kind of slid off the bike to the left and caught myself), and my pedal must have spun backwards just as my right foot slipped off and BAM! It didn't hurt, so imagine my surprise when I looked down and saw a lovely, gaping wound. I'll spare you the details, but below is what it looked like after it was stitched up. I went to an Urgent Care Center first, but they sent me to the ER because it was too bad for them to handle. Lucky for me, I was fast tracked in the ER, my doctor went to UF, there was a TV in the room so I watched gymnastics, and I was in and out in an hour and a half. AMAZING! I sent Matt home to shower and eat, and then he was going to come back and sit with me (no point in both of us being sweaty, smelly and muddy) but I got seen so quickly, he got out of a hospital visit. Lucky him and lucky me. Seventeen stitches, a tetanus shot and an antibiotic later, it looked like this... that'll leave a mark!
Ouch....hope its doing better!!! You're braver than me, I don't think I would ever do trail riding....;)
Do your think you'll ride again?
K, yes I think I'll keep trying. But, I need to find a place with slightly smoother trails. I mean, you expect bumps but this was ridiculous. Nothing so bad that it's a constant battle with my pedal and the roots/rocks!
Ouch!! Hope you're feeling okay... that's a pretty nasty gash. I haven't been on my mt. bike since we lived in Jackson and now I'm not sure I'd want to again ;)
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